It is almost a year since
'The Loaded Dice Club' was established. The membership continues to grow, with 16 gamers having attended over the past twelve months. The club now meets every three weeks. Addicts attend from across Ulster - we have gamers from Fermanagh, Monaghan, Tyrone, Cavan and lovely Leitrim. This is no small task as the journey can take over an hour for some. The age profile ranges from the late teens to grizzle old veterans in their somethings. The next meet up takes place on the 14th or 15th of December.

This week a wide range or board and mini games were played including the family game '
Survive : Escape from Atlantic'. The card games
'Bang' and 'The Resistance', the party game
'Cash & Gun$', the miniature games
'Star Wars: X-Wing' and
'Wings of War'.
Recently on ebay I acquired a copy of the highly recommended 'Hammer of the Scots'. This is a hidden movement, block game by Columbia games. I am very much looking forward to getting a meatier dish to the table after a weekends lighter fair.
It's great to see your little group establishing itself, As I know personally how difficult it is to get a gaming club off the ground in Bangor co down.
Thanks Unite, we have a great group of guys, no gals yet but we are working on that one. If you are ever in our neck of the woods get in touch.
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